t a n g o   z a   r i b e
t a n g o   f o r   f i s h

Video film, 1992, scenarij / screenply Neli Kodric, Natasa Prosenc, kamera / photography Andrej Lupinc, montaza / editing Stane Otorepec, glasba / music Milko Lazar, nastopajo / actors Katarina Prosenc, Natasa Prosenc, Mario Oblak, Igor Oblak, produkcija / production TV Slovenija, 4'15"

"V tem videu se stvari pojavljajo v parih; stevilo dve je emblematicno stevilo, ki povezuje nasprotja. Delo je polno simbolnih referenc; zivali, rib, na primer, ki utelesajo bozansko posrednistvo zveze med dvema spoloma. Tudi kromatska komponenta ima posebno vrednost, ki se izkaze v koncnem plesu. Ples senc zapecati zvezo nasprotij, kjer telo izgubi svoj semanticni pomen in se obogati s kromatsko plasticnostjo."

Aurora Fonda

Throughout this video, there is a tendency to represent everything in couples, emphasising the figure two, the number symbolising the union of opposites. The work is full of symbolic references manifested through things and animals, with fish predominating, incarnating the propitious divinity of the union between the sexes. Also colour takes on particular significance, fulfilled during the final dance. Indeed, a dance of shadows seals the union of opposites, in which the body loses its semantic meaning to take on a chromatic plasticity."

Aurora Fonda